Family Friendliness

My Personal Review

“I need to unplug for just one night”
Allyson is a very busy mom. She has 3 kids that she constantly has to clean up for. Her husband is usually on business trips, so it is really up to her to keep the house running. Many mothers know that this is not easy. Finally, Allyson has enough. She decides that she needs a night off. When it finally comes, she thinks that she can just unplug and just have fun, but boy is she wrong.
Ripe Apples
This movie is Christian-based. We hear a lot of good lessons that can be applied to our everyday lives. Allyson learns the lesson that she doesn’t have to the best at what she does. Others learn the valuable lesson of family.
We see many people help the families in need when they need it, which shows a good portrayal of friendship. Also, we see that, despite all of your stress of dealing with kids, it is all worth it! Soon they’ll grow up to be just like you! Not only does this movie teach good morals, but it is hilarious! Some of the things the characters do are just guaranteed to make you laugh
Rotten Apples
This movie may be rated PG, but there is not a lot wrong with it. We see one girl get tased. We also see an epic car chase, but no blood or explosions are seen. We see some guns and knives, but they are not used.
There are a couple potty jokes involving poop and toliets. In a couple scenes, the characters are in a tattoo parlor. They are not there to get tattoos, however. One lady says. “None of us want tattoos!” But another lady actually says she does. We also hear that Bones likes to smoke every hour. One lady is seen getting rid of alcohol that was served to hear at a bowling alley, and everyone thinks she is drunk.
There is no sexual content in this movie other than a couple kissing twice.
There is NO LANGUAGE in this movie! This makes it great for the entire family.
This movie is a great comedy film for the entire family. It shows some important lessons of life. It also shows that we should appreciate our moms and what they do for us. I highly suggest watching this movie on Mother’s Day, but it is still perfect for any occasion! I hope you enjoy the movie, let me know what you think about it below.
Thanks to for the trailer
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