February 24, 2025

About Us

What is the Apple Tree?

The Apple Tree started on March 14, 2018 and since then has been writing reviews to help others that want to know what content is in movies that they want to see. We strive to tell all the details you want to know without revealing any spoilers. If we spoil something for you we are terribly sorry. In some of our reviews, however, there will be spoilers so we try to provide you with a spoiler warning at the beginning of the review.

Our Goal

Our goal is to make sure that others know what is in the movie and is it okay for them to see it. We try to do every movie we see, but if you don’t see it here you can check back later, we are always adding reviews. We  review mostly G, PG, and PG-13 movies. We also will review some R-rated movies as well.
Now we may not do all the recent movies, but we will have quite a few of the older movies. In each review you will know if there is a lot of language, blood, violence, or sexual content. We will also give a star rating to each review. The less stars, the lower our recommendation for you to watch the film or TV show. For example, the 4.5 star review Ratatouille would be a movie that you could watch without worrying about too much bad content, but the 1 star review Jack Reacher: Never Go Back would be a movie with some bad content for you to consider before watching this film or TV show.
If the movie has enough wrong with it, then we will tell you all about it. We will try to not try to reveal spoilers when we do this. Reviews like this will be in the format like Avengers: Infinity War.
If a movie doesn’t have a lot or anything wrong, we will put what we think is wrong at the top and then tell the plot of the movie. These reviews may have spoilers. There are not many like this, but there are few. Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory is an example.
There will also be reviews that give top 10 or 5 movies or TV shows that show our recommendations. These are mostly based on opinion. Visit our Top 10 Reviews page to find these posts!

How to Support Us

You can support us in a variety of ways. Leaving a comment at the end of a review is a smail and free way that you can support us. You can also support us for free by rating our reviews by clicking on the stars rating how we did on the review. Other ways that you can support us include buying the movie listed at the end of the review from Amazon, as we are an Amazon Associate. If you wish to support us in a different way, please feel free to email us.

About Our Authors

Each author has his/her own way of writing reviews, but they all give you the same content.
Wormy: CEO of The Apple Tree
Wormy has been on the team since March 2018. He created the website so that he could help others learn more about the movies they want to see. Wormy reviews a lot of the movies that you see being reviewed. He mostly is responsible for Marvel, Star Wars, Star Trek, and other action movies. You can see the reviews he has done here.
Pink Lady: Employee of The Apple Tree
Pink Lady has been on the team since March 2018. She reviews the kid-friendly movies and some Christian movies. Romantic movies are also in her department. Click here to see her reviews.
Bee:Employee of The Apple Tree
Bee has been on the team since March 2018. He usually does the top 10 movies and writes about the Christian view of movies. Click here for his reviews.

©Apple Tree Movies


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