March 10, 2025
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Wield the Shield.

20210 h 04 min

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier are back in their own series to fight the Flag Smashers, a group of terrorists causing terror around the globe. Together they prepare Sam to become the new Captain America.

Director Kari Skogland
Runtime 0 h 04 min
Release Date 19 March 2021
Title The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Movie Media Other
Movie Status Available
Movie Rating Average
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Spoilers ahead!


The Falcon and the Winter Soldier are back! At the end of Endgame, Steve Rogers gave his shield to Sam, giving him the mantle of Captain America. However, Sam feels unworthy and that the shield belongs in a museum instead of in his possession. After these events, Sam has returned home to his sister and is trying to help her with the family business. Between saving the world, going into hiding with Captain America, to being in jail, to being dusted in the snap, Sam has not been around to help his sister. He has no idea what had happened while he was gone and is trying to make up for lost time.

Bucky, has a completely different story. After coming back from the snap, Bucky was issued a presidential pardon, with one requirement that he attends regular psychiatrist session. Bucky is trying to move on from his past life as a trained assassin for Hydra. When Bucky hears of Sam giving up the shield, Bucky goes back to Sam to explain that Sam’s decision was wrong.

Meanwhile, a rogue terrorist group known as the Flagsmashers are terrorizing people. The United States decides to give the shield to a man named John Walker, who they want to be the new Captain America. They hope he will be the symbol for the United States. Will John Walker be able to take the mantle, and did Sam make a mistake?

Ripe Apples

Sam has good intentions in this series. He does not want to hurt anyone, instead he wants to understand them and help them see how they can be good. He has a heart like Steve’s, and it is shown in this series as he saves lives. Sam also makes a heroic speech near the end of the series trying to fix the problems. When he finally takes the mantle of Captain America he realizes what he needs to do and accepts the responsibility.

Bucky made a lot of mistakes when he was the Winter Soldier. However, it was not by his will that those events happened. Instead, he was under Hydra’s mind control. Nevertheless, Bucky takes responsibility for what he did, and he begins apologizing to the people he harmed and tries to write his past wrongs. We also see Bucky saving people and doing what is right.

John Walker starts out the series being a good guy. He wants to help people and is worried he won’t live up to the Captain America title but he does his best. However, as the series goes on he is corrupted unfortunately. In the final battle he gets a little bit of redemption, though we do not know the future of this character as a hero or a villain.

Rotten Apples

There is a lot of violence in this series. One person is beat to death with the shield. Others are hit with it and hurt.  Three people get shot and die slow deaths. We see other explosions and gunfire. A lot of blood on the main characters is seen and one person’s arm is broken onscreen. We also see the Winter Soldier start some fistfights with a group of people. There are multiple fistfights and gunfights in this series.

We see a few scenes where people are drinking a mysterious alcoholic drink. There are two scenes in a bar.

There is not a lot of sexual content in this series. a few women wear shirts that show cleavage. We also see a few men shirtless. Bucky flirts with Sam’s sister and Sam tells Bucky to stop it. This content is very mild for this series. Two men’s waists get very close to each other and they say that it’s uncomfortable.

We hear a lot of words in this movie. “Sh–“, “d-m-“, and “h-ll” are used more than 10 times throughout the series. We also here the Lord’s and Jesus’ name misused at least 5 or 6 times. There are no f words. We hear a few uses of “a–” and “b—-“. This movie has a high rating for language as it used a lot in this series.

Additional Thoughts

The story for this series is kind of sidetracked from the typical MCU movie. The series was about how Sam became Captain America, and there are some similarities from how Steve became Captain America. Sam and Steve both cared about people and doing what is right. You see Sam exhibit some of Steve’s traits, however this series seems to make a bigger deal about Sam’s skin color that his character. Now first off, there is nothing wrong with Captain America being black, but parts of the story don’t seem to fit in the storyline.

Early on in the series people are calling Falcon “Black Falcon.” We spend a lot of time talking in this show explaining how the new Captain America isn’t blond hair and blue eyes, but a black male, and that is something people will look down at and not accept.  This series tries to make it look like black super heroes are looked down upon, when we have never seen this before in the MCU. There are black super heroes in the MCU such as Black Panther and War Machine, and they never have been treated differently, nor treated like what this movie shows. In fact in Iron Man 3, James Rhodes became the Iron Patriot, the symbol for America against terrorists, and no one looked down at him because of his skin color, instead they looked up to him. This makes this part of the story kind of not make sense.


In the end, this series isn’t too bad. It is filled with action and adventure and is entertaining to watch this duo work together, even if they fight and bicker a little bit. There are some parts of the story that don’t make a lot of sense, but the story overall is good. Sam’s journey to becoming Captain America has been long awaited since Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and now we can finally see how he inherited the title. I recommend you check out this series! Leave a comment below what you think!

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Wormy has been on the team since March 2018. He created the website so that he could help others learn more about the movies they want to see. Wormy reviews a lot of the movies that you see being reviewed. He mostly is responsible for Marvel, Star Wars, Star Trek, and other action movies.

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