Family Friendliness

My Personal Review

After Frozen, Anna and Elsa had brought peace to Arendelle. The kingdom was finally able to get back on track and everyone was able to live a normal life for once. After a couple of years, however, a voice begins to call out to Elsa and she tries to ignore it. Accidently, however, she awakes four spirits who force everyone out of Arendelle. This accident leads Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, and Sven to go into the Enchanted Forest to find the truth behind the spirits anger. What will they find when they go into the unknown?
Ripe Apples
Elsa and Anna try to help each other and want to make sure that they both are ok throughout the film. Both sisters as well as Kristoff make selfless moves to try to save their friends. Also, throughout the film, we learn the lesson that involves what to do when we are in grief. This movie constantly shows that we are to do the next right thing and never give up.
This movie contains many gags and jokes that are sure to entertain any age. Olaf is constantly seen making some hilarious jokes (more on that in the rotten apples however.) The music for this movie is just about as good as Frozen’s was in my opinion.
Rotten Apples
The violent content of this movie only involves a few sword fights, but no one is seen dead, however few people are mentioned to have been killed. Some people lie to others to cover up the past, but Anna and Elsa will do the right thing despite what has happened in the past. There are some rock monsters seen in this movie that may scare younger viewers.
Anna and Kristoff are seen kissing in a few scenes. Kristoff constantly tries to propose to Anna, but fails multiple times. One time he accidentally proposes to a older woman who he thought was Anna. This older woman quickly refuses. Olaf is seen making some hilarious remarks about how he does understand some things but he will when he gets older. He believes that mature adults understand everything and this is quite humorous to watch. Other than that, there is no sexual content in this movie.
We hear of four spirits: Air, Fire, Earth, and Water. These spirits are a main part of the movie, and the movie makes them seem as if they are real, and we see them in action as well. There also is a mysterious spirit that is not revealed for some time.
There is no drug content in this movie.
There is no language in this movie. Occasionally Olaf lets out a fun fact that involves potty humor, but nothing too extreme.
I honestly did not know how well Frozen II would do. It’s success surprised me and after watching it, I can understand why it did so well. I think that they did a great job at creating this sequel. I highly recommend this movie to anybody that is interested in watching it. Please rate this movie review below and leave a comment about how you liked the movie.
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