October 18, 2024
Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022)

Between darkness and defeat, hope survives.

20220 h 00 min

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, former Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, embarks on a crucial mission to confront allies turned enemies and face the wrath of the Empire.

Runtime 0 h 00 min
Release Date 27 May 2022
Title Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022)
Movie Media Other
Movie Status
Movie Rating Masterpiece
No images were imported for this movie.
Starring: Ewan McGregor Hayden Christensen Vect Nokru Vivien Lyra Blair Rupert Friend Moses Ingram

Major Spoilers Ahead!


Ten years after Order 66 was enacted, almost all of the Jedi had been killed. Those who weren’t killed turned to the Dark Side and are now called Inquisitors. These Inquisitors have one mission, and that mission is to kill the remaining Jedi.  Once their mission is complete, the Empire will be complete with no threat to it.

However, Obi-Wan Kenobi is still alive, and he is watching over young Luke Skywalker, and he must prepare him for his purpose in the future. However, in order to avoid being discovered, Obi-Wan must take up a new name, Ben. He also must bury his lightsaber and live a “normal life.” However, when Leia, Luke’s sister is captured by pirates, Obi-Wan must find his old self and find Leia and save her from her captors. Will Obi-Wan be able to save Leia and keep his secret?

Episode 1: Part I

This episode had very little wrong with it so I’m going to stick to the episode itself and review it. The only things that were worth noting was that we see one scene in a bar and one lady’s hand cut off but it was not done graphically. We also see one man strung up by rope as an example. There is no language in this episode.

To start off the episode, they provide a brief recap that was put together amazingly. Anyone who had not seen the prequels or any Star Wars film would know exactly what is going on. This recap really hypes up the show.

In this episode, we meet Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan has taken on a normal life to remain hidden. He does the same thing every day and he has fallen out of habit with his Jedi training. However, Obi-Wan still has nightmares about what has happened in the past. This helps the viewer understand the trauma that Obi-Wan has been under and shows Obi-Wan struggling to live a normal life.

Despite his normal life, Obi-Wan faithfully sticks by his responsibility to watch over young Luke Skywalker. When the time comes Obi-Wan knows that Luke must be trained to become a Jedi. However, Owen, Luke’s uncle, does not want Obi-Wan around. Obi-Wan must go behind Owen’s back to make sure the boy is safe.

On the other side of the Galaxy, the Organas are watching over young Leia. They begin to teach her the ways of becoming a senator, and Leia picks it up quickly. Leia is remarkably smart for her age and shows that she knows a lot. However, she does not want to be a senator. One day when she is out in the woods three men kidnap her to use her as bait to draw Obi-Wan out.

The Organas call Obi-Wan for his help, but Obi-Wan doesn’t think he can save her. However, after some convincing Obi-Wan embarks on his journey in which he must rescue Leia from her captors and avoid capture. This is an interesting plot that I’m excited to see unfold. Did you like this episode?  Let us know in the comments! We will review each episode as it comes out, so be sure to check back for more reviews!

Episode 2: Part II

This episode had barely anything wrong with it so I am going to review the episode. We see some spice that is said to be strong enough to forget people. We also see some laser gun fights. There is no language in this episode.

In this episode, Obi-Wan is on a mission to rescue the young Princess Leia. However, Reva, an Inquisitor who is obsessed with catching Obi-Wan set this as a trap to draw Obi-Wan Kenobi. When Obi-Wan arrives to the planet, he goes around asking to see if anyone knows anything about a young girl, claiming that she is his daughter.

One person says that they know a Jedi who could help Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan is amazed that another Jedi could have survived. However, when he meets this “Jedi,” he finds that this person is only pretending to be a Jedi to earn money. Obi-Wan confronts this person and asks him to help him find Leia in return for Obi-Wan not revealing his secret. This is and interesting point that Obi-Wan makes as he doesn’t care about the name of the Jedi as much as he cares about this little girl. This is also the first scene in which we see Obi-Wan use a blaster, which is kind of surprising since he said blasters were “so uncivilized” in Revenge of the Sith. It just shows how far Obi-Wan has come from being the master Jedi everyone used to know.

After receiving help from the fake Jedi, Obi-Wan finds the place that Leia is being held. However, the bounty hunters trap Obi-Wan and take his lightsaber. However, Obi-Wan is able to outsmart the bounty hunters and escapes. He finds Leia and he takes her to find a way off the planet. Leia, however, has so many questions and she doesn’t trust Obi-Wan so she runs around the city while Obi-Wan must fight against bounty hunters and Reva. Finally, Leia falls off a building and we see Obi-Wan use the force to save her. This is an epic moment as we see Obi-Wan starting to find his old self.

Reva finally catches up to Obi-Wan and Leia. Obi-Wan tells Leia to run onto the ship and to start the engines. Obi-Wan gets ready to defend himself, but Reva reveals to him that Anakin, also known as Darth Vader is still alive. This puts Obi-Wan in shock and the audience in chills. Before Reva is able to capture Obi-Wan, the Grand Inquisitor shows up to stop Reva and tells her he will capture Obi-Wan himself and take all the credit. Outraged in anger, Reva KILLS the Grand Inquisitor. This made me drop my jaw as I thought we would get more scenes with him.

Obi-Wan finally moves and gets onto the ship with Leia and speeds away, with Reva yelling she will find him from behind. All Obi-Wan can keep saying is “Anakin,” as he is shocked he is still alive. The final scene shows our first look at Anakin. I’m excited to see the next episode, and will review it when it comes out. Did you like this episode?  Let us know in the comments! We will review each episode as it comes out, so be sure to check back for more reviews!

Episode 3: Part III

This episode had some content that I wanted to point out and then I will provide an in-depth review. There is a lot of violence, especially when Darth Vader shows up. He is seen killing people using the force to snap their necks. We see one body get split in half. We see other people killed by laser blasts. There is no language in this episode.

This episode opens up where we left Obi-Wan.  Obi-Wan and Leia are headed to the coordinates that the fake Jedi told them to go to for help. When they get to the coordinates, there is no one there. Obi-Wan believes that it was a trick. He finds it hard to believe anyone out there wants to help him.

He takes Leia and they go on transport to head back to a space port. However,  Obi-Wan is found out by a group of Stormtroopers.  Thankfully, a spy is able to save Obi-Wan.

Their victory is short-lived, however. The evil Darth Vader shows up on the same planet that Obi-Wan is on. Darth Vader is seen with a new kind of evil as he kills everyone in his path. Obi-Wan tells the spy to take Leia to Alderan while he distracts Vader.

Darth Vader finally catches up to Obi-Wan and tries to fight him. Obi-Wan keeps running away in fear.  This shows how truly terrified Obi-Wan is of Anakin.  However they eventually do duel but Vader gets the upper hand and lights a fire and drags Obi-Wan through it, burning his arm. Darth Vader wants Obi-Wan to feel the pain that Obi-Wan had put Anakin through in the past.

Leia knows that Obi-Wan needs help so she convinces the spy she will be able to make it to Alderan herself.  The spy get to Obi-Wan just in time to save him from Darth Vader. However, Obi-Wan’s arm is severely injured and needs medical attention. The episode ends with Leia getting caught by Reva, who found where she was hiding.

What did you think of this episode and of Darth Vader? Do you think we will get another duel? Let us know in the comments and check back next week for our episode 4 review!

Episode 4: Part IV

This episode did not have much wrong with it but I will point out a few things. We do see some violence where there is laser gun fire and explosions. We also see some people killed with a lightsaber. We hear one lady asked to be addressed as sir. I’m not sure how to take this because I believe she was trying to impersonate someone, but the viewer must interpret how to take this. There is no language in this episode. I will now provide an in-depth review.

At the end of the last episode, Obi-Wan was severely injured in his battle against Darth Vader. Leia was also kidnapped by Reva. Now, the spy that was helping Obi-Wan has taken him to a hidden base. On this base Obi-Wan is healed from his wounds. I like how Obi-Wan is determined to save Leia no matter the cost.

The spy takes Obi-Wan to the secret base that Leia is being held at and helps Obi-Wan secretly get in. Meanwhile, Reva interrogates Leia for information about the Path.  What I found odd was Reva told Leia that Obi-Wan was dead, but then asked where they were, giving away Obi-Wan was alive.

Obi-Wan finally begins to become the famous Jedi he was as he fights his way to Leia and out. This is an awesome scene that I absolutely loved. Obi-Wan also learns that this secret fort is a tomb of all the Jedi they have killed, though to me it looks like they are in stasis.

Reva catches up to Obi-Wan and Leia but a group of fighters save them buy one pilot dies cause he hovers around Reva and shoots her.  This doesn’t make a lot of sense when they could have easily destroyed the base. Nevertheless,  they escape, but Reva put a tracking device on Lola, Leia’s droid so they can find Obi-Wan.  Darth Vader arrives to punish Reva until he learns of the tracking device and prepares to find Obi-Wan and end him. What did you think of this episode?  Let us know in the comments!

Episode 5: Part V

There is only a few things I wish to point out in this episode. We see multiple people killed by being stabbed with a lightsaber, or shot to death. We see some blood in this episode as well. This episode has the most violence in the entire series so far.

There is no drug, sexual, or language content in this episode.

Obi-Wan is back in a new episode! In this episode, Obi-Wan has successfully rescued Leia. Unfortunately, Reva left a tracker on Lola, so they led Vader right to them. I like to see how Obi-Wan starts to lead the people to safety. He genuinely cares about these people he doesn’t even know.

Reva has been made Grand Inquisitor and she shows up ready to bring Obi-Wan in. However, she finally reveals why she wants to kill Obi-Wan. She reveals that she was one of the padawans that survived Order 66. She was there when Anakin killed all her friends and she blames Obi-Wan for not saving her friends. And she also wants to use him as bait to get to Darth Vader.

Obi-Wan realizes the only way that he can buy time for his friends to escape is if he turns himself in.

Obi-Wan turns himself in and then tells Reva she now has a chance to kill Vader since he will be distracted by Obi-Wan. Vader arrives to take Obi-Wan in, only to find that he has escaped. Darth Vader running after Obi-Wan by stopping a whole ship and ripping it apart shows just how powerful Vader is. This is crazy to see onscreen. However,  Obi-Wan outsmarts Vader and escapes in another ship.

Obi-Wan successfully gets away with all his friends. However, Reva still plans to finish the job and kill Darth Vader. However, Vader easily overpowers her using just the force and minimal lightsaber fighting. This fight scene just shows how powerful Vader has become since Revenge of the Sith. In the end, Vader stabs Reva and the Grand Inquisitor is revealed to still be alive. They leave Reva for dead but she finds Obi-Wan’s commlink he left behind next to her and learns of Luke Skywalker. Obi-Wan feels this though the force and realizes he needs to get back as soon as possible.

Did you like this episode? Let us know in the comments and check back for the finale review next week!

Episode 6: Part VI

This episode was AMAZING! There were so many twists and amazing action scenes! I highly recommend this series just for this episode ALONE. To begin, I will begin by rating the content in the episode. There is no drug, alcohol, or sexual content in this episode. We see some violence mostly in a lightsaber fight. One face that has been scarred is shown. We see one kid get knocked out. That is all the negative content in this episode.

The episode opens with Reva trying to find Luke Skywalker. She goes to the village and asks around for Owen, and the people who she questions warns Owen that Reva is going to come to try to kill the boy. Owen wants to run, but his wife convinces him that they should stay and fight. They prepare for Reva to come at sundown.

Meanwhile, Obi-Wan and the members of the Path try to outrun Darth Vader’s starship, but the ship is damaged and cannot take much more firepower. Obi-Wan realizes that the only way for the Path to survive is if he lures Vader away from them. Obi-Wan gets into the escape pod and escapes to a nearby planet. The Grand Inquisitor states they need to follow the path but Vader insists on killing Obi-Wan. Vader approaches Obi-Wan alone to fight and kill him. I love that Obi-Wan is willing to sacrifice himself to save the greater good.

At the beginning of the fight, Obi-Wan is easily defeated. However, Obi-Wan soon remembers what he is fighting for and he regains his strength. He then uses the force to strike Darth Vader with thousands of rocks. He then bests Vader in a lightsaber duel. After tearing away part of Vader’s mask, Obi-Wan sees Anakin’s face and Obi-Wan apologizes to Anakin about everything. However, Vader insists that he has killed Anakin. Obi-Wan is heartbroken. This is a tender scene showing the heartbreak that Obi-Wan still has for losing his friend. Vader is wounded badly and Obi-Wan walks away, similarly to the way he did in Revenge of the Sith. This shows a great plot point where Obi-Wan cannot kill Anakin, hence why Vader kills Obi-Wan in A New Hope.

After nightfall, Reva has successfully found Luke and begins to chase after him. Obi-Wan quickly tries to get there in time, but Reva is right on top of Luke and is ready to kill him until she realizes that she cannot do it, as it reminds her of when Anakin killed her friends. Obi-Wan arrives and Reva does the right thing by letting Luke go and giving up her lightsaber. She realizes that she does not have to be an Inquisitor and she can live a normal life. Darth Vader devotes himself to his new master, Emperor Palpatine and states that Obi-Wan means nothing to him.

Obi-Wan realizes that he can live a normal life now. Obi-Wan realizes that Luke should just be a kid for now and the future will take care of itself. This is a good lesson to not worry about the future. Before he leaves, however, Obi-Wan meets Luke and says the legendary line, “Hello There.”  We see Obi-Wan pack up his belongings and begin to wander when we see Qui-Gon Jinn arrive as a force ghost to bring Obi-Wan on the next journey of his life. This is really nostalgic and got me really excited to finally see Liam Neeson return as Qui-Gon.

What did you think of this finale and this series? It exceeded my expectations, and I really enjoyed every minute of it. There are some great lessons in the series and an amazing plot. Most of the plot holes were filled in this episode. There are only a few more that I’m sure a season 2 can clear up. Do you think we will get a season 2? I really hope so! Let us know what you thought in the comments.

Featured Image from Imdb

Thanks to youtube.com for the trailer

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Wormy has been on the team since March 2018. He created the website so that he could help others learn more about the movies they want to see. Wormy reviews a lot of the movies that you see being reviewed. He mostly is responsible for Marvel, Star Wars, Star Trek, and other action movies.

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