March 6, 2025
Poster for the movie "Left Behind"

Left Behind (2014)

Left Behind

The end begins

20141 h 50 min

A small group of survivors are left behind after millions of people suddenly vanish during the rapture and the world is plunged into chaos and destruction.


Captain Raymond Steele (Nicolas Cage) is preparing for a routine flight to London. However, his daughter, Chloe, has returned home from school to celebrate his birthday. Raymond explains to his daughter that he has to fly to London and asks Chloe to spend time with her mother and brother. Chloe, disappointed that her father won’t be home for his birthday, returns to her parents’ home. Chloe’s mother, Irene, tries to tell Chloe about her new-found faith in Jesus Christ.

Chloe wants nothing to do with God as she doesn’t believe that he exists. After a disagreement, she takes her brother to the mall so that she can clear her head. Both Chloe and her younger brother are having a good time, until all of sudden millions disappear within seconds, including Chloe’s younger brother. Chloe begins to panic, as does the entire world as they realize millions disappeared in a millisecond.

Ripe Apples

This film portrays what is going to happen in the future. While we may not know when the Rapture will happen, we know that it is coming and no one is going to be prepared for it. The film shows many people scared and panicked about what happened. However, the film does deliver the message about what is to come, which is one of the best things about this film.

Raymond Steele lied to everyone around him, including his daughter and his wife. After the Rapture happens, he begins to realize that he was wrong and wants to make things right with Chloe, his only family member that was not taken in the Rapture.

Bruce Barnes is not in this film for more than 5 minutes, but when he is on screen his story is very interesting. Bruce is a pastor who was not taken in the Rapture. In reality, he did not believe in what he was preaching. Bruce tells Chloe this and explains that going through the motions is not enough. An individual must repent and believe if they want to be saved.

Chloe has a hard time trusting in God. She believes that a loving God could never do something like what she is experiencing. However, as the film progresses, she begins to understand that she was wrong.

Cameron “Buck” Williams is on the airplane with Raymond and tries to help him keep the people on the plane calm as they are panicked. He also cares for Chloe and tries to help Raymond land the plane and reunite with his daughter.

Rotten Apples

After the Rapture takes place, hundreds of people begin to loot and pillage other people’s goods. We see many explosions and some people are shot. Some of the scenes can get intense as people become desperate for answers. One woman holds people at gunpoint before turning the gun on herself (she was talked out of using it). Many car accidents are seen taking place and one plane crashes (implied) due to both pilots being taken in the Rapture. Many people refer to the events taking place as “The End”.

It is indicated that Raymond is having an affair with one of the flight attendants on his plane.

We see one person that has a bag of a drug that she takes. We also see someone with injection marks on her arm. A few people are seen drinking or mention drinking.

A whispered s word is used, but you can barely hear it.


Overall, this film does not follow the books as closely as other “Left Behind” films do. Regardless, the film still does give us a portrayal of how people might act when the Rapture happens. I grew up reading the Left Behind books so it’s hard to judge a movie that is based on the books. However, I do think that Nicolas Cage did a good job as Raymond Steele.

I’m also glad that the message about what is to come is in this film and it shows that this will be a serious event, unlike anything the world has ever seen. If you enjoyed the Left Behind books, you might like this film. Let me know in the comments what you thought about this film and which Left Behind film is your favorite.

Purchase the film below:

Left Behind (2014) | Bluray

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Wormy has been on the team since March 2018. He created the website so that he could help others learn more about the movies they want to see. Wormy reviews a lot of the movies that you see being reviewed. He mostly is responsible for Marvel, Star Wars, Star Trek, and other action movies.

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