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You, Me, and Dupree

You, Me and Dupree

Two's company. Dupree's a crowd.

20061 h 48 min

After standing in as best man for his longtime friend Carl Petersen, Randy Dupree loses his job, becomes a barfly and attaches himself to the newlywed couple almost permanently -- as their houseguest. But the longer Dupree camps out on their couch, the closer he gets to Carl's bride, Molly, leaving the frustrated groom wondering when his pal will be moving out.

Runtime 1 h 48 min
Release Date 13 July 2006
Title You, Me and Dupree
Movie Media DVD
Movie Status Available
Movie Rating Not bad
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Carl and Molly Peterson are newlyweds and are excited to start off their lives together. However, when Carl’s best man, Dupree, loses his job and his house, Carl feels responsible for what happened. Carl invites Dupree to stay in his house for a weekend until he can find a new job and get his life back on track.

However, between work, tension with the in-laws, and all the other crazy things that happen, Carl begins to wonder if inviting Dupree to stay was a good idea after all.

Ripe Apples

At the beginning of the film, Carl wants to help his friend since he feels responsible for Dupree losing his job. However, as more and more things happen, he begins to wonder if it was a bad idea. To be fair to Carl, Dupree was being more of a burden than being helpful when he first moved in. However, after realizing he needs to make a change, Dupree starts to do his best to help Carl out.

Dupree appreciates his friend helping him in his time of need and does his best to repay him. Molly also wants to help Dupree and appreciates his help.

At the end of the film, Carl’s father-in-law realizes that some of the things that he asked Carl to do were excessive and he apologizes to Carl for it.

Rotten Apples

One person hits someone with a candlestick. We also see someone lunge at another person. We don’t see any blood in this film.

There are multiple sexual references made throughout this film. This starts with some name calls, but there are also some implied adult scenes. We see Dupree’s backside in one scene. Carl’s father-in-law tries to get Carl to get a vasectomy, in which he hands him a pamphlet that describes the procedure with pictures. We see one woman in a bikini as well as a few women dressed up as strippers. Dupree takes his date home in one scene where it is implied they are sleeping together.

We see a few scenes at a bar where people do shots and drink alcohol and wine. One person is seen wasted laying on the ground. We also see a few people smoking in a few scenes.

The s word is used at least 9 times. We hear the Lord’s name misused (usually with the d word combined) at least 4 times. We hear a few b, a, and d words. The h word is used about 10 times. The f bomb is used once.


Overall, this film is a pretty funny film. Owen Wilson carries the film as Dupree, but we also have Carl as a main character. When I was watching this film, I seemed more interested in Dupree as a character than I was Carl, but over all in the end it was still an entertaining film. The amount of language and adult content wasn’t necessary to make this a good film and can seem excessive at certain points so I would recommend adults only watch this film. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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You, Me, and Dupree | DVD

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Wormy has been on the team since March 2018. He created the website so that he could help others learn more about the movies they want to see. Wormy reviews a lot of the movies that you see being reviewed. He mostly is responsible for Marvel, Star Wars, Star Trek, and other action movies.

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