After weighing in on Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill, Disney has been facing some difficulty as a company. Disney has been plummeting in the stock market and there have been hundreds if not thousands of people unsubscribing to Disney Plus. What is Disney’s overall plan, and how are they going to get out of this dilemma?
Why is this happening?

A few months ago, Disney didn’t really take a stance on LGBTQ issues. They mostly remained neutral. That was until Florida’s government passed a law forbidding teaching children about sexual orientation. This bill got infamously nicknamed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Disney employees and other people reached out to Disney and called them out on not supporting a stand for LGBTQ issues and they demanded that they take a stand. After a few days, Disney began to show their support for LGBTQ issues and they began to engage in politics. They have began to add more LGBTQ content to their films, starting with Pixar’s Lightyear. They have put a gay kiss back into Lightyear to show their support to the LGBTQ community. This war in Florida continues to go on. However, Disney seems to be losing the fight, as their stock prices are declining rapidly. They are losing many subscribers to their streaming service, Disney Plus due to the frustration of Disney engaging in politics rather than making good stories like they used to. They have also lost their special tax district for Disney World in Florida. And the fight only continues.
Disney’s Hope
Disney is in a dilemma, but they think that they will be able to make a comeback. They have many big releases coming this summer such as Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Lightyear, Thor Love and Thunder. If these films do well at the box office, they may be able to make a comeback. Moon Knight seems to be a huge success and is keeping people subscribed to the streaming service, however no woke content has really been seen in this series yet.
What do you think will happen with Disney? Do you approve of the path they are taking or do you disapprove of what they are doing? Let us know in the comments!
Featured image from Alterations were made to the original picture.
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