In this day and age, DVDs are becoming less and less frequent. People now can get all their favorite shows on a streaming service, so much that some shows and movies aren’t even coming to DVD anymore. This beckons the question, are DVDs slowly going away?
DVD’s History
Before DVDs, we had video cassettes. These had to be rewinded after every watch and they were big and hunky, not exactly ideal compared to today’s options, but it was a big step in the movie industry back in the day. People were finally able to own a copy of their favorite movies.

However, after some time we got the DVD. This was able to hold an entire film and the best part compared to a video cassette was that it was smaller, which made it more portable, as well as you didn’t have to rewind the film every time to watch it! This was a major benefit to people. The only downside to this was that they could get scratched easier than a video cassette. Nevertheless, they became the primary method of watching movies. There were some upgrades made to these DVDs to make them more efficient. Some DVD’s were writeable on both sides, which led to more space being allowed to be used on a single disk. Other TV series are made on multiple disks to put into a series.
Recently, the Blu-ray disk came out and it gave many new features to a disk. These disk could hold a lot more space, and they also were much more efficient. They could hold bonus features and they quickly became a better version of the DVD. However, they still had the same problems as DVDs had, with one additional problem, they only worked if you had a player designed to play Blu-ray DVDs.
Streaming Services: The New Way to Watch Films
Recently, a new way to watch films and TV series has been released. This is known as a streaming service. There are a variety of streaming services and the user has the option to choose which one they want to subscribe to, depending on what content is found on each. Some of these include Netflix, Disney Plus, and Prime Video. The user typically only has to pay a monthly or annual payment to the company and they will have access to all the titles they want to watch. The biggest advantage of streaming services is that you don’t need a lot of space to store for all of the films you like because they are all online. The only downside to these streaming services is that you need internet to view the film or series. However, some streaming services let you download the feature you want to watch so you can watch it offline.
Do you think DVDs are going to slowly go away and everything will be online? Do you approve of this? Let us know in the comments!
Picture from FAVPNG, alterations were made.
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