Family Friendliness

My Personal Review

“Some people move on, but not us….”
After Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos killed half of all the living beings. Half of our favorite heroes died and half the Avengers are left to move on. Some people try too, but it is hard for our heroes to move on.
The Avengers are desperate for a way to change what happened. When they actually have a chance to save the day, they take it, but the journey is a hard one. Are our heroes up to the challenge?
Ripe Apples
Our heroes show lots of self-sacrifice, determination, and many daring heroics. Captain America tries to help people move on, but he can’t himself. Our heroes feel guilty for what happened and want to make it right. Many Avengers risk everything that they have just so that other’s lives can be restored.
Without spoiling the movie, it’s hard to reveal some ripe apples.
Rotten Apples
If you don’t like violent content, I would not suggest this movie. This movie has lots of blood. A couple people even get their heads chopped off. Many explosions are seen. In one sword fight, a guy gets cut in the neck, and then gets stabbed (off-screen). Some people are shot, and others are stabbed with knives.
Sexual content is less compared to some Marvel movies. We hear of a guy going on a date with another guy. We also hear one person get him in between his legs. He cries, “The first time you missed, but the second time you hit both!” One female shows some of cleavage. One person says that he peed his pants. In one scene, we see a man without a shirt. One person threatens to pull someone’s arms off and stick them up his butt.
Throughout the movie, one Avenger can’t stop drinking. He is seen guzzling down beer and acting drunk, though he stops as the movie moves on.
Unfortunately language in this movie is plentiful. We hear 8 “sh-t”s plus 2 with bull in front and another 2 with horse in front of it. We hear at least 10 “d-m-“, plus 2 with the “g-d” in front of it. We hear at least 2 uses of “h-ll” One possible crude hand gesture is seen. There is a joke about Captain America’s “a–” being an American “a–.” We also hear “a–” used 3 other times. 3 “p–s”s are also heard. “S-n of a b—h” is used once. One use of “fr-cken” is also heard. One person was called a “d-ck head” The Lord’s name is misused 5 times, Jesus’ is misused once.
This movie is probably the most anticipated movie of all time. It took over 20 movies to build it up! It definitely satisfied my taste. I think that you would enjoy it too. However, it does earn it’s PG-13 rating. Now I know that some Marvel fans will see it either way, but let’s just remember that some things that are seen are wrong. After that, I hope you enjoy Avengers: Endgame. Will the Avengers defeat Thanos and bring everyone back?
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